AR Overlay

A simple AR experience for a retail voucher platform

The Algorithm

Illustration of the perceptual viewport that the mobile device sees in an AR application
Illustration of how the butterfly sprite is placed within the perceptual viewport

The (roll, yaw) tuple is arbitrarily designated as the upper left corner of the perceptual viewport, which in turn is defined as "the slice" of the 360-degree world that the camera sees in AR space.

@objc private func displayRefreshCb() {
    guard let quat = self.motionManager.deviceMotion?.attitude.quaternion else {
    let gq = GLKQuaternionMake(Float(quat.x), Float(quat.y), Float(quat.z), Float(quat.w))
    let yaw = Utils.rad2deg(rad: atan2f(2*(gq.x * gq.y + gq.z * gq.w), 1 - 2*(gq.y * gq.y + gq.z * gq.z)))
    // kalman filtering here if necessary
    let roll = Utils.rad2deg(rad: atan2f( 2*(gq.w * gq.x + gq.y * gq.z), 1 - 2 * (gq.x * gq.x + gq.y * gq.y)))
    var pitch = 2 * (gq.w * gq.y - gq.z * gq.x)
    if fabs(pitch) >= 1 {
        pitch = Utils.rad2deg(rad: copysign(Float(Double.pi / 2), pitch))
    else {
        pitch = Utils.rad2deg(rad: asin(pitch))
    pitchLabel.text = String( (pitch * 1000).rounded() / 1000)
    yawLabel.text = String( (yaw * 1000).rounded() / 1000)
    rollLabel.text = String( (roll * 1000).rounded() / 1000 )

    // Calculate the current viewport (roll, yaw). Do not confuse with (x, y)! Yaw in the *HORIZONTAL* direction whereas roll is in the *VERTICAL* direction
    let roll360 = Utils.to360System(deg: roll)
    let yaw360 = Utils.to360System(deg: yaw)
    let upperLeftCorner = (roll360, yaw360)
    // update the positions of the butterflies now
    self.butterflies.forEach { butterflyWrapper in
//            Project roll_coord and yaw_coord onto the screen
        var butterflyRollCoord = butterflyWrapper.roll_coord
        var butterflyYawCoord = butterflyWrapper.yaw_coord
        if upperLeftCorner.0 >= 360 && ( 0 <= butterflyRollCoord && butterflyRollCoord <= (upperLeftCorner.0 - 360)) {
            butterflyRollCoord += 360
        if upperLeftCorner.1 >= 360 && ( 0 <= butterflyYawCoord && butterflyYawCoord <= (upperLeftCorner.1 - 360)) {
            butterflyYawCoord += 360
        = self.catchView.bounds.width * CGFloat( Float(upperLeftCorner.1 - butterflyYawCoord)
            / CatchViewController.CATCH_VIEWPORT_WIDTH_DEGREES ) = self.catchView.bounds.height * CGFloat( Float(upperLeftCorner.0 - butterflyRollCoord)
            / CatchViewController.CATCH_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT_DEGREES )
        // If it intersects with the crosshairs (rather than within, otherwise too hard to catch) !
        if butterflyWrapper.animatedImageView.frame.intersects(self.focusPoint.frame) {
        } else {