The Algorithm
The (roll, yaw)
tuple is arbitrarily designated as the upper left corner of the perceptual viewport, which in turn is defined as "the slice" of the 360-degree world that the camera sees in AR space.
@objc private func displayRefreshCb() {
guard let quat = self.motionManager.deviceMotion?.attitude.quaternion else {
let gq = GLKQuaternionMake(Float(quat.x), Float(quat.y), Float(quat.z), Float(quat.w))
let yaw = Utils.rad2deg(rad: atan2f(2*(gq.x * gq.y + gq.z * gq.w), 1 - 2*(gq.y * gq.y + gq.z * gq.z)))
// kalman filtering here if necessary
let roll = Utils.rad2deg(rad: atan2f( 2*(gq.w * gq.x + gq.y * gq.z), 1 - 2 * (gq.x * gq.x + gq.y * gq.y)))
var pitch = 2 * (gq.w * gq.y - gq.z * gq.x)
if fabs(pitch) >= 1 {
pitch = Utils.rad2deg(rad: copysign(Float(Double.pi / 2), pitch))
else {
pitch = Utils.rad2deg(rad: asin(pitch))
pitchLabel.text = String( (pitch * 1000).rounded() / 1000)
yawLabel.text = String( (yaw * 1000).rounded() / 1000)
rollLabel.text = String( (roll * 1000).rounded() / 1000 )
// Calculate the current viewport (roll, yaw). Do not confuse with (x, y)! Yaw in the *HORIZONTAL* direction whereas roll is in the *VERTICAL* direction
let roll360 = Utils.to360System(deg: roll)
let yaw360 = Utils.to360System(deg: yaw)
let upperLeftCorner = (roll360, yaw360)
// update the positions of the butterflies now
self.butterflies.forEach { butterflyWrapper in
// Project roll_coord and yaw_coord onto the screen
var butterflyRollCoord = butterflyWrapper.roll_coord
var butterflyYawCoord = butterflyWrapper.yaw_coord
if upperLeftCorner.0 >= 360 && ( 0 <= butterflyRollCoord && butterflyRollCoord <= (upperLeftCorner.0 - 360)) {
butterflyRollCoord += 360
if upperLeftCorner.1 >= 360 && ( 0 <= butterflyYawCoord && butterflyYawCoord <= (upperLeftCorner.1 - 360)) {
butterflyYawCoord += 360
} = self.catchView.bounds.width * CGFloat( Float(upperLeftCorner.1 - butterflyYawCoord)
/ CatchViewController.CATCH_VIEWPORT_WIDTH_DEGREES ) = self.catchView.bounds.height * CGFloat( Float(upperLeftCorner.0 - butterflyRollCoord)
// If it intersects with the crosshairs (rather than within, otherwise too hard to catch) !
if butterflyWrapper.animatedImageView.frame.intersects(self.focusPoint.frame) {
} else {